all postcodes in L35 / PRESCOT

find any address or company within the L35 postcode district

Postcode Area

L / Liverpool

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
L35 7JA 28 2 53.426802 -2.789751
L35 7JB 6 0 53.426645 -2.786181
L35 7JD 4 0 53.426356 -2.787544
L35 7JE 18 0 53.425467 -2.78491
L35 7JG 5 0 53.426097 -2.783477
L35 7JH 11 1 53.423984 -2.785965
L35 7JJ 1 0 53.426208 -2.784397
L35 7JL 13 0 53.429732 -2.781527
L35 7JN 22 0 53.427403 -2.784374
L35 7JR 4 0 53.426695 -2.784135
L35 7JS 3 2 53.430373 -2.779733
L35 7JT 40 0 53.429389 -2.783131
L35 7JW 24 0 53.429153 -2.782073
L35 7JX 21 2 53.428997 -2.783967
L35 7JY 20 0 53.427103 -2.785001
L35 7JZ 20 0 53.428181 -2.785036
L35 7LA 7 0 53.427628 -2.785793
L35 7LB 6 0 53.427925 -2.785618
L35 7LD 26 0 53.427339 -2.789971
L35 7LE 20 0 53.428195 -2.785578